reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name 


 Discuss the adverse impact of stereotyping in the workplace. Give detailed examples of various HR functions where stereotyping may occur. Examine the consequences of stereotyping as they relate to an employer’s exposure to liability. 

students response


Stereotyping is seen in the workplace daily. An example of this in the workplace would be with performance review and promotional opportunities. The textbook gives a great example of sexual stereotyping, where a man and woman are held to different standards during a performance review. The woman ends up getting a negative performance review based on her “charm” and “un-lady like appearance and personality” (Page 195). She was also passed up for a promotion based on this. Despite the fact that the employer was able to pinpoint additional reasons she was passed up for the promotion, the judge voted in her favor because some of the reasons that she was denied a promotion attributed to her un-lady like appearance/behavior. The consequences of this not only include lawsuits such as this one, but also depriving the company of someone more deserving and qualified. Basing a promotion on someone’s appearance is a disservice to the employee and company as a whole. It also leads to low morale, a lack of confidence in upper management’s decision making, and distrust of the organization.

Another example could be found in an employment situation. A hiring committee could look differently on a pregnant applicant vs. a single professional. The hiring committee could make an assumption that the pregnant applicant would be distracted by her duties as a parent to focus on work and hire the single applicant based on availability and perceived dedication. This could also be a missed opportunity for the company to hire a more qualified candidate. As well, this would be seen as a discriminatory act which could lead to lawsuits based on the final tally and committee remarks.

 Source: Bennett-Alexander, D., & Hartman, L. P. (2019). Employment law for business. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.