

Shelly is a new HIM graduate. She has been offered a position as an EHR trainer with a reputable EHR vendor, AutoDoc, which provides an EHR product to physician-office practices. As a condition of her employment with AutoDoc, Shelly is being asked to sign a noncompete agreement. She is concerned that she will be limiting a considerable number of future career opportunities if she signs the agreement and later leaves her employment with AutoDoc.

Answer the following questions

1. What types of limits are likely being placed on Shelly if she signs the noncompete agreement?
2. Is AutoDoc violating the law by imposing a noncompete agreement?
3. If AutoDoc’s noncompete agreement was legally challenged, what would a court consider in determining whether it is enforceable or not?
4. What would constitute an unnecessarily broad noncompete agreement?
5. What if Auto Doc will not negotiate on the noncompete agreement, yet Shelly still feels uncomfortable with it because it seems too limiting?
6. What if Shelly accepts employment with Auto Doc, leaves the company, and then works elsewhere in violation of the noncompete agreement she signed?