
Strategic Plan

Subject Area


No.of pages/Wordcount

5 page(s)/1375 Words

Urgency 12 to 18  hours maximum 

Citation Style

APA Style
Assignment Details


Prepare a written paper with a strategic plan to improve value-based service delivery in the unit of employment or division you work in over the next two years, using current evidence.

Include the following:

Select two strategies to improve value-based care.

Discuss strategies of value-based purchasing barriers and how the barriers may be overcome by the leaders.
Discuss the role of leaders, at any level, in optimizing value-based services.

Discuss the type of community target and valuable services offered at your organization and why the services are essential to the community.

Support statements and assessments with a minimum of six sources from the professional literature written within the last five years.
Written paper, 12-point font, APA format
I work for a 71-bed long-term care facility
