Forum 1: Reflective Journal     Objective of the activity  The Reflective Journal is a tool that teachers use to obtain their opinion or opinion of the student on a specific topic. Depending on the course, the Reflective Journal can be a tool to measure the level of critical thinking, defend a point of view or simply for the student to express himself. 

Knowing that this computer course is something innovative for many and, perhaps a review of basic concepts for others, it is established that this reflective diary will contain some simple questions that the student will have to answer. Because it is a forum, what the student expresses will be seen by his classmates and the teacher, therefore, he will receive comments on his presentation. 

Instructions  In this forum, the student will share his opinion with his classmates on the following topics:  How has it been adapted to the online course platform? What have you learned in these four (4) modules? What have you found most difficult to understand in these four modules? What has made it easier for you to master in these four modules? To present your main contribution, you must create a new topic to which you will give a title. You can write in paragraph form and talk about all the aspects or you can list each one on the same topic and put your point of view.  He must read what other classmates and the teacher have posted and react to one of the writings. Remember that the most important thing is mutual respect, sharing ideas and if we differ, let it be with respect. 

Basic review resource  Hoisington, C., Freund, S., Vermaat, M., Pratt, P. J.,. Last, M. Z., Schmieder, E., Sebok, S. L., Starks, J. (2016). Shelly Cashman series Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2016: Introductory. Cengage Supplemental Review Resource  Microsoft. (2018). Word for Windows Training. Retrieved from