
The manager at James Otis Tax Associates has asked you to submit a report describing the technology hardware and software needed to build a computer network for the new office. The manager has asked you to describe the computer system for each new employee, including an explanation of the purpose for each selected technology component, and to identify specific software programs that the employees would need. He has also asked you to describe the security measures needed to support the systems. In your explanation, include how your knowledge of human-computer interaction (HCI) impacted your choices for each component.

The manager has provided the following employee descriptions:

For each employee, you must:

Along with each description, explain the purpose of each technology component in each system. In your explanation, include how your knowledge of human-computer interaction (HCI) impacted your choices for components.

Finally, choose a network topology that could be used to connect all of the new employees identified by the manager. Create a Visio diagram to identify the networking equipment needed to enable the workflow between the employees.